product management

Finding the right monetization strategy for your startup

Finding the right monetization strategy for your startup

Product monetization is only a part of a business model that you’ve chosen for your startup, but it’s one of the most important levers to grow revenue and find a path to profit.

How (and why) we build marketplace data pipelines — Part 1: Data Warehouses

How (and why) we build marketplace data pipelines — Part 1: Data Warehouses

How to set up an effective process for UX/UI Design and Product Management collaboration

How to set up an effective process for UX/UI Design and Product Management collaboration

PdM and Design work together to keep the project running smoothly from start to finish. They offer ideas in all stages of a project, from discovery to design and development.

Specifics of Being a Project Manager for a HealthTech Product

Specifics of Being a Project Manager for a HealthTech Product

Healthcare projects have similar methodology, approaches, and technologies to projects from other domains. Anyway, there is some health-tech specific, which project managers should take into consideration since the beginning of working on the product.

A Quick Guide to Product vs Project Management

A Quick Guide to Product vs Project Management

Launching a successful business around an in-demand product is uniquely challenging and gratifying. For entrepreneurs, you get to shape your growing team.